

The recruiter, the hiring manager and others, all Forbes your capability to get hired. You are on the verge of getting selected but now you are scheduled to interview with the CEO. As CEO is the person who typically cares for the success of the company so cracking the interview won't be easy with him. CEO mainly focus on "three C's"- competence, compatibility and comfortable interpersonal connection. Although the concerns of all the interviewers are similar, the emphasis may be different. If you are the one who is going to be one on one with a CEO , pat yourself first as you must be applying for an important role in a company. The CEO has already been there and done that so it is crucial to be authentic, warm and open. Easier said than done? Here are some tips to ace that interview with the big shot - Stay away from your inhibitions CEO's high position gives you all the reasons to feel nervous . Instead of getting intimated, try spending sometime thinking about th


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